sytist Installation

Server PHP Version: 8.1.31
Database Details
If you haven't done so already, create a new MySQL database with username and password in your hosting control panel. Enter in the database information below.
Database Host Name or Location
Database Name
Database Username
Database Password
Admin folder name
This is the name of the folder for your administration area. By default it is sy-admin, so the link would be But you can change this now. Changing it to something unique you can remember gives it added security.

Select from the following

I am installing in a folder on my website like
This means you are installing in a sub folder on your website.
I am installing in the root of an existing website
This means you already have a website and installing in the main website level (public_html folder possible) and plan on making Sytist your main website. When selecting this option, the site will use an index file named indexnew.php so it does not take over your website and you can get the website ready and make it go live from the admin when ready.
I am installing in the root of a new website with no content
This means this is a new website with no content and Sytist will become the website when the installation is complete.
I am installing on a sub domain
This means you are installing on a sub domain like You can leave it on the sub domain or eventually move it to the root.